December 7, 2017
Thank you for giving to the Lord – End of Year Giving Opportunity 2017
Thank you for your generous donations throughout this year to Teen Challenge Southern California. Those who are hopeless and bound by addiction are daily finding freedom and deliverance at Teen Challenge by God’s grace! As we close this year out, I am asking you to prayerfully consider your most generous end of year gift so that we can end our ministry year in a good position financially to make an even greater difference in 2018. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
You may donate your end of the year gift by visiting or by mailing a check or money order to Teen Challenge Southern California at 5445 Chicago Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507. If you want to donate by using a mobile device, please go to Please keep in mind that your donation must be postmarked no later than midnight December 31, 2017 for tax purposes.
I would like to share with you a few of the highlights that your generous donations have helped us to accomplish this year. The ones that are highlighted are brand new initiatives that you have helped us to launch for the Glory of God to reach more and more desperate lives in 2017!
- Our wonderful new residential ministry facility — Central Valley Teen Challenge — has 90 students enrolled at the present time with five students enrolled in the re-entry transitional housing component for graduates. We have the capacity for as many as 250 students. Less than two years ago we had no ministry in the Fresno area and now we are able to bring the hope of Teen Challenge to those who are addicted in the whole Central Valley.
- We recently held our seventh residential Adolescent Teen Challenge graduation in Orange County.
- Teen Challenge Ministry Institute has graduated 50 students this year for a total of 387 students over the past five years and 90% of our graduates are involved in full-time ministry serving in other countries, and throughout the United States in Teen Challenge Centers and local churches.
- This year we held a number of evangelism outreaches at our Teen Challenge Centers and in the local communities that reached many for the Lord for the first time.
- We held our 2nd Annual Awake Women’s Conference in June 2017 for the residential women’s center students and for the outstanding women who powerfully serve on the Teen Challenge Southern California staff. The purpose of this event was to encourage and bless those who serve and are part of the Teen Challenge Southern California ministry.
- We held two Arise Crusades in October 2017 and we had 350 attendees at our Arise Crusade in Bakersfield and 3,200 attendees at our Arise Crusade in Newbury Park. We received 205 response cards from people who received Christ as their personal savior for the first time at this event! To God be the Glory for these transformed lives. This outreach also afforded us the opportunity to create a moment of unity for local churches to work together. Once again, God is using our partnership together to do new things for the Kingdom of God.
- Our Learning Center Outreach Program continues to give messages of hope to young people so that they don’t go down the slippery slope of addiction.
- We had 27 students who have completed their G.E.D. diplomas this year at Teen Challenge Southern California. This will give them some of the necessary tools to rebuild their lives after they graduate.
- We received approximately 305,000 calls from families and individuals in crisis this past year. Without your financial support, we would not be here to be the lifeline of hope for them. Thank you for your partnership!
- We are planning to open a Spanish language Teen Challenge in Southern California in 2018.
- We continue to reach out to the unreachable who are suffering from the ravages of addiction.
You may donate your end of the year gift by visiting or by mailing a check or money order to Teen Challenge Southern California at 5445 Chicago Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507. If you want to donate by using a mobile device, please go to Please keep in mind that your donation must be postmarked no later than midnight December 31, 2017 for tax purposes.
On behalf of Teen Challenge Southern California, I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a most prosperous New Year. Thank you for your friendship and partnership in the gospel.
Ron Brown, Executive Director
Teen Challenge Southern California