

“No One is Too Far Gone” – Steve’s Story

"No One is Too Far Gone" - Steve's Story Steve tried a lot of different programs, and made a lot of mistakes in between. By 21 he was in his fifth inpatient program, “Among felony probation, I had pending cases and warrants out for my arrest. I was [...]

Her Life and Innocence Restored, Crystal’s Story

Her Life and Innocence Restored, Crystal's Story When Crystal was six months old, she lost her mom to prison and heroin. Growing up, her two older brothers ran the streets with gangs. She was abused as a young child. By age 12, she was binge-drinking until she would [...]

Choose Life, Lenny’s Story

Choose Life, Lenny's Story His parents told him, “Lenny, you’re either going to wind up in prison or wind up dead.” But he argued back, telling them that he had everything under control. Two years later, Lenny was driving drunk, which resulted in a tragic car accident where a [...]

From alcoholism to redemption, Kailey’s story

From alcoholism to redemption, Kailey's story By age 29, Kailey was still bartending. Doctors had prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, but they weren’t helping and her relapses became worse. But her parents never gave up and kept praying for her. And God still had a plan for Kailey’s life. [...]

You were made for more than this, Marissa’s story

You were made for more than this, Marissa's story Marissa’s downward spiral began when she was 15 years old. That was the year her father passed away unexpectedly on Thanksgiving Day. That trial tested her trust in God. When emotions became too difficult to manage, she went to the doctor, who prescribed anti-anxiety medication. Xanax eventually led to Oxycontin, which then led [...]

From Punk Rocker to Pastor, Daniel’s Story

From Punk Rocker to Pastor, Daniel's Story Growing up, Daniel had trouble making friends. But his love for music led him to the punk rock scene and he began to skip school to tour California and play in bands. Drugs, alcohol, and music ruled his life. But at age [...]

Brought Back to Life, Megan’s Story

Brought Back to Life, Megan's Story One day, Megan thought she was getting a quick shot of heroin, not realizing it had been laced with fentanyl. And she overdosed. When she came to, she discovered the paramedics had given her two shots of Narcan—and that she had almost died. [...]

The Prodigal Son Returns, Jeremy’s Story

The Prodigal Son Returns, Jeremy's Story Jeremy grew up in Shafter, California—a local boy who fell in with the wrong crowd. He found that hanging out with the neighborhood kids drinking and smoking marijuana brought feelings of pleasure and acceptance. When in his senior year his girlfriend [...]

Now she knows who she is, Danielle’s story

Now she knows who she is, Danielle's story In 2011, Danielle entered a relationship with a man in an effort to prove to herself and her family that she was straight. But that relationship became extremely abusive. She had never felt more hopeless or hated herself more than [...]

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