There’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and now a worldwide day for giving back — #GivingTuesday!

$32,195 / $107,543

For over 60 years, Teen Challenge Southern California has carried forward the vision of hope and freedom for those battling addiction and brokenness. When David Wilkerson first walked the streets of New York City in 1958, he carried a simple but powerful message: Jesus is the answer. That same message fuels TCSC’s New Life Ministries today, reaching out to the addicted and the lost in Southern California with God’s transforming love.

The reality is heartbreaking. The addiction crisis continues to shatter lives, devastate families, and extinguish God-given destinies. Last year alone, 107,543 lives were lost to overdose in the United States—a toll so large it would fill Dodger Stadium twice. Each of these lives was someone’s child, parent, sibling, or friend.

In the flood of despair that is devastating lives, TCSC stands as an ark of safety, a refuge offering hope and a new beginning. This Giving Tuesday, we’re calling on friends like you to be a light in the darkness. We’ve set a bold goal: to raise $107,543—one dollar for every life lost to overdose last year. Each dollar helps bring hope to a life on the edge, a chance at recovery, and the promise of a new tomorrow. Please join us in making a difference.

Help us make #GivingTuesday 2024 a success!

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