“Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35

The ministry of the church has always involved partnership. Some plant, some water, some harvest. And the Kingdom grows.
The financial contributions of Teen Challenge Harvest Partners are seeds planted in good soil. They make the Harvest possible. Our staff and volunteers steward these resources and nurture new life. Together, each doing our part, we are privileged to see the Harvest.
Harvest Partners invest in this work by contributing monthly to help us meet our financial obligations throughout the year. Using automatic (ACH) transactions from checking accounts or recurring credit card payments help us minimize processing costs even more.
Harvest Partners receive periodic opportunities to meet our students, graduates and families in smaller informal settings at each center throughout the year. These include special worship and devotional thoughts from members of the Teen Challenge Leadership Team. We also communicate regularly with our Harvest Partners so they can see how their gifts are impacting lives.
Please consider becoming a Harvest Partner with us. No gift is too small or too large. Working together, each contribution will produce a Harvest with Promise.
To become a Harvest Partner, click the button below to visit our Donate page.